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Joint Christian Science Reading Room UK - Registered Charity #1143776


New Christian Science Hymnal: Hymns 430–603 (2017)

New Christian Science Hymnal: Hymns 430–603 (2017)


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This new Hymnal brings together a collection of 174 hymns––contemporary, traditional, and hymns from around the world––congregational songs with which we unite in church services, as well as individual prayer, to worship and praise God.

The Christian Science Hymnal: Hymns 430-603 is a hardback book with a soft gray cloth cover featuring a design that illustrates the silhouette of the dome and tower of The Original Mother Church and Extension in charcoal, with the title in metallic copper. The binding is distinctive, and yet harmonizes with the charcoal brown and metallic copper binding of the Christian Science Hymnal (1932). The new book will be the same width as the 1932, but will be ¾” taller.

Like the 1932 Hymnal, the hymns in this volume are arranged in alphabetical order according to their first lines. Because this hymnal incorporates most of the hymns from the 2008 Christian Science Hymnal Supplement: Hymns 430–462, the hymn numbers in this volume begin with hymn 430.*

The hymns feature an easy-to-read font. Some hymns originated in a language other than English. Where possible and practical, the original language is included alongside the English translation. Guitar chords are given where appropriate, and space permits. To ensure the ease of use by congregations, page turns are avoided by presenting longer hymns in a simplified version, showing the melody and words only. The complete hymn, including the accompaniment, can be found in the Full-Score Appendix. A full complement of indexes includes: listings of first lines and common titles; authors, composers, and sources; music names; metrical listings; copyright holders.

Additional highlights: 17 new settings of poems by Mary Baker Eddy; 52 new tunes and 17 new poems published for the first time; 3 new settings of the Communion Doxology; Scriptural citations and informational notes on the hymn page when appropriate.

The attributes of joy, excellence, dignity, and “appropriate religious character” (The Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy p.61) are evidenced in the spiritual depth and musical integrity of this Hymnal. Whether experienced through the shared joy of congregational singing, or through individual prayer, this Hymnal will be a source of spiritual sustenance and inspiration.

• 2008 Hymns not included in the new Hymnal are: 437 (Father, Thou art very near us), 442 (Here O God), and 452 (O Thou, unchanging Truth).

Weight: 1 lb. 5 oz.
Dimensions: 6 1/4″ x 9 1/4″ x 3/4″

Download a free PDF of the Concordance to the Christian Science Hymnal: 430-603 here

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Weight 624 g

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