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Joint Christian Science Reading Room UK - Registered Charity #1143776

About Christian Science

What is Christian Science?

Christian Science is a Bible-based denomination, with branch churches, societies, and informal groups in over 60 countries around the world.

Sunday Services

The weekly Bible lesson sermon is read aloud and the service also includes music, hymns from the Christian Science Hymnal, silent prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.

Wednesday Testimony Meetings

Hear readings from the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, along with hymns and the opportunity for the congregation to share healing and gratitude related to their study of Christian Science.

Reading Rooms

Similar to a library or bookstore, a Reading Room offers a place to read, pray, and get inspired. It’s a space where many have been healed by studying the lessons of the Bible and nurturing a connection with God.

Who was Mary Baker Eddy?

Mary Baker Eddy was the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science and the author of our denominational textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

Mary Baker Eddy (1821-1910) was a spiritual pioneer. Her work covered the disciplines of science, theology, and medicine.

A lifelong student of the Bible, in 1866 Eddy experienced a dramatic recovery after a life-threatening accident after reading one of Jesus’ healings. She threw her life into discovering how she had been healed and how this spiritual science of healing could help others. 

Mary Baker Eddy went on to establish the Church of Christ, Scientist. She published 15 more books and started several weekly and monthly magazines—the Christian Science SentinelThe Christian Science Journal, and The Herald of Christian Science—that feature articles on Christian Science practice and verified testimonies of healing. In 1908, when she was 87, she founded The Christian Science Monitor newspaper.

The Tenets of Christian Science

When asked if Christian Scientists had a religious creed, Mary Baker Eddy responded, “They have not, if by that term is meant doctrinal beliefs.” Instead, she provided a few tenets—or key points—that briefly summarize the teachings of Christian Science.

Frequently Asked Questions

The practice of Christian Science healing has resulted in significant cures of physical, mental and personal problems for over a century. The Bible gives us a standard of healing resting on timeless spiritual laws as shown to us by Jesus Christ.

Anyone can learn and apply these spiritual scientific ideas to the demands of today and find resolutions that proves God’s goodness. We all want to be healthy, happy, and fulfilled.

We all want to feel a sense of purpose to our lives, to feel secure and valued, to love and be loved. Good health is vital whether we’re talking about our bodies, relationships, finances, or environment.

Christian Science and its healing ministry rests entirely on the affirmation from the Bible that “God is love” (I John 4:16). Those who practice it strive to live the bold, compassionate, pure, generous love that Christ Jesus embodied and taught in his Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7). This is the heart of its Christianity.

Christian Science is also a science because God is understood to be unchanging Love—the infinite Principle that is constant, universal, inclusive, eternal, the only true power and source of all good. It explains the spiritual laws of Love that enabled Jesus to heal sickness and sin. This divine Science also answers our fundamental questions about evil, reality, and eternal life. And as the word science implies, it is reliable, consistent, and provable, bringing healing to individuals and humanity through a deeper understanding of God.

By understanding the complete goodness of God and our inseparability from that goodness, inspired men and women have found answers to the wide spectrum of human needs as well as transformation of character and lives. These experiences are “not supernatural but supremely natural,” (Science and Health, p. xi) as Christian Science explains. Anyone can learn and apply these spiritually scientific ideas to the contemporary demands we face and find resolution that proves God’s goodness.

This unique approach to healing has proven effective for generations of Christian Scientists, many times after a medical diagnosis indicated a condition was incurable. Christian Science healing is not faith healing, positive thinking, or self-hypnosis. It calls for Christian faith in and understanding of God as unconditionally and dependably good, to whom nothing is impossible. Its practice is Christian—living according to Jesus’ teaching and example. And its practice is scientific—living according to the spiritual laws of God that can be learned, understood, and proven through healing and regeneration.

Christian Scientists are always free to choose for themselves and their families the kind of health care that meets their needs. However, by practicing Christian Science, many have lived happy and healthy lives free of drugs and other systems of physical care.

Christian Scientists are always free to choose for themselves and their families the kind of health care that meets their needs.

However, by practicing Christian Science, many have lived happy and healthy lives free of drugs and other systems of physical care.

This unique approach to healing has proven effective for generations of Christian Scientists, many times after a medical diagnosis indicated a condition was incurable.

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures was written in 1875 by Mary Baker Eddy. It contains the full explanation of Christian Science and its biblical foundation for spiritual regeneration and healing, and over 100 pages of testimonials of healings people have received from reading this book.

Read Science and Health here online.

Listen to Science and Health here.

Buy a copy of Science and Health and the Bible from our online shop.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and founded the Christian Science Church.

Christian Science Practitioners devote their lives to praying for other people. But any student of Christian Science can heal through prayer, from the youngest Sunday Schooler, to the newcomer reading Science and Health for the first time, to the veteran church member. Anybody can heal – and be healed – through Christian Science. The last 100 pages of Science and Health contain testimonies of people healed through reading this book.

The Christian Science textbook Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and the Bible are guides for learning how to practice prayerful healing.

The sincere student of Christian Science who would like to delve even deeper into this study can take Primary Class Instruction from a certified CSB. Buy a copy of Science and Health here.

Explore more

Learn more about Christian Science activities around the world through these links.

Christian Science Mother Church homepage


Christian Science Directory

This is the official website for the global Christian Science movement, where you can find more information about church activities around the world and more details about the history, beliefs, and practice of Christian Science.

The Directory is a searchable database of Christian Science resources worldwide, including locations and contact details for branch churches, practitioners, Christian Science nursing facilities, and much more.

Daily Lift Podcast

Christian Science Monitor newspaper

Mary Baker Eddy Library

Get your spiritual lift for the day! The Daily Lift free weekday podcasts are short takes on inspiring ideas to enrich your day and share with friends.

An international news organization offering calm, thoughtful, award-winning coverage for independent thinkers. A nonprofit news organization that publishes daily articles both in electronic format and a weekly print edition.

A research library, museum, and repository for the papers of Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science.

Christian Science in the UK

These organisations cater specifically to the activities of Christian Scientists in the UK and Ireland.


Easter Camp

Committee on Publication

Prison Chaplains

Events, camps, and activities for young people interested in deepening their understanding of Christian Science.

Ensuring that accurate information about Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, and Christian Scientists, is published by the print and broadcast media, on social media, as well as in academic journals, religious publications, books, etc.

Christian Science prison chaplains offer support for those in need in prisons. Any prisoner who wishes to receive a visit from a Christian Science Chaplain can make a request through their Managing Chaplain.